Let’s GLOW with Blacklight Events!
It’s our traditional Painting with a Twist experience, with a blacklight Twist. Watch your art transform and come alive with special glow paint. These super fun events always provide a "wow" factor. Looking to spice it up or try something different? This is just the event for you! Round up your crew and book your seats now.
What can I expect at a blacklight painting event?
A blacklight neon paint party! You can expect the same laid-back, fun environment along with step-by-step instructions from our artist entertainers. But this time, we’ll turn off the overhead lights and flip on the blacklights for an extra spice. Using special glow paint, you’ll essentially create a two-in-one painting. A seemingly traditional painting in regular lighting that transforms to a neon color fest with the flip of a switch. It’s a real crowd pleaser! Oh, and don’t forget to wear your brightest neon-colored clothing and accessories. We promise there will be lots of laughter, music and fun!
Are blacklight paintings more challenging to paint?
No painting is too hard at Painting with a Twist. We make sure you have everything you need and all the guidance necessary to walk away with an art piece you can be proud of. And guess what, no matter WHAT your painting looks like, we promise you’ll have an absolute blast creating it with a little wine in hand and your besties by your side! After all, it’s FUN art, not FINE art, right?!
Can I book a blacklight private party?
Absolutely! Whether it’s for a birthday, holiday, bachelorette party or just a Wednesday, our private parties are the perfect opportunity to celebrate with your friends in a private setting with your own artist to lead the way! We have tons of blacklight paintings to choose from!