Everyone loves summer, but let's be honest— it's not always awesome outside. Sometimes you get sunburned or covered in mosquito bites. Other times, the clouds block the sun and it rains on your pool day. When these things happen, bring the fun indoors to our studio! Here, you'll enjoy our fresh air conditioning without any bugs. Our sunny team will make you forget whatever the weather is doing outside. We'll laugh and have fun as you paint a new masterpiece. Whatever your skill level, our team will make you feel like an artist. We're also BYOB, just like a boat on the lake — except our water is in paintbrush cups and the scenery is something you'll paint on a canvas. Wouldn't it be nice to go to a summer party where no one has to think about what they look like in swimsuit? Click to our Calendar and RSVP for the most fun you can have this summer with ALL of your clothes on!