Natalie Johnson
For years, Natalie saw herself as only an art appreciator and not an artist. However, over the last 13 years, she has really challenged herself by working in sculpture, photography, fabric art, ceramics, culinary art, and paint. In her art, she frequently uses organic forms to express feelings, ideas, and life circumstances that are not always easily conveyed in realistic images or words. Many of the concepts discussed are complex and are unable to be expressed any other way. She experiments with non-traditional mediums and even if they do not "work" for a piece how she hopes or intends, she is at least able to explore and learn from the outcome. Sometimes that can result in something more beautiful than imagined. She studied studio arts and art education at UT Arlington with the intention of working in museums developing children's programs. Currently, she is pursuing a counseling degree where she can incorporate aspects of art therapy. Also, she participates in community art opportunities and initiatives including art exhibitions, competitions, and community service projects.